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6 Signs Your Job Isn’t for You, and It’s Time to Move On 
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

6 Signs Your Job Isn’t for You, and It’s Time to Move On 

We all want to be successful in our jobs and careers. But what do you do when you find yourself feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled, and just generally unsatisfied with your current job? It can be hard to determine when it is time to move on from a job or career that isn't quite right for you. Here are some signs that will help you know when it's time to start looking for something new.

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To My Strong-Willed Daughter
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

To My Strong-Willed Daughter

Seven years ago, I welcomed you into the world. When I held you in my arms for the first time, my mind swirled with thoughts of who you would become. I was simultaneously so excited to watch this little girl grow up and wanting that moment to never, ever end. 

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Building a Strong Personal Brand in 2022
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Building a Strong Personal Brand in 2022

In today’s competitive job market, it’s extremely helpful – necessary, even - to be your own brand. The goal is to have a personal brand so strong that the key players in your organization or industry are familiar with you and your impact. This will make your life much easier when it comes time for job interviews, promotions, and career pivots.

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Prioritizing Self-Care is Not Selfish
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

Prioritizing Self-Care is Not Selfish

We are often taught that prioritizing our mental, emotional, and physical health is selfish – that we should bend to the expectations of others so we can be better at our jobs, better friends, better parents, or better partners.

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The Single Lady’s Guide to Valentine’s Day
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

The Single Lady’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to look like eating chocolate in bed and watching The Notebook for the twentieth time. In my opinion, single ladies should be able to celebrate Valentine’s Day as if they’re in the most beautiful and fulfilling relationship. Because, after all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one of all!

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My One Year Blog Anniversary – What A Journey!
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

My One Year Blog Anniversary – What A Journey!

I think that sitting down every so often to retrace your steps and think about their outcomes is a great way to improve, learn, and grow. So, today’s post is going to be exactly that: a reflection on what it was like to launch a website while starting a new job in a new industry and an honest conversation about what I’ve learned.

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How to Stay Motivated Through Your Job Search Process
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

How to Stay Motivated Through Your Job Search Process

I know that the job application process can be a real tricky one – especially for those who haven’t done it in a long time. So, whether you’re getting ready to dust off your resume for the first time in years or you’re a few months into the job hunt process, I’d like to offer some words of encouragement to help you keep going.

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Simple Strategies to Gain the Confidence to Speak up at Work
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Simple Strategies to Gain the Confidence to Speak up at Work

Many people have a fear of public speaking, and I get it. It’s easy to doubt yourself in a room of leaders and other people that you respect, but your silence isn’t getting you anywhere. Learning how to speak up will help you stay engaged with your peers and the task at hand, as well as help you been seen as a thought partner and invaluable member on the team.

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