The Single Lady’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

All the single ladies, put your hands up!!

Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to look like eating chocolate in bed and watching The Notebook for the twentieth time. In my opinion, single ladies should be able to celebrate Valentine’s Day as if they’re in the most beautiful and fulfilling relationship. Because, after all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one of all!

So, this year for Valentine’s Day, I’d like to give all my single ladies a list of ways to have the best Valentine’s Day they’ve ever had. And when you find the partner of your dreams, dare them to try to give you a better V-Day!

  1. Treat yourself to a spa day. I highly recommend finding a local spa that has a sauna, steam room, pool, or jacuzzi. Bring a good book to read or a pair of headphones to listen to your favorite music or a podcast. Practice gratitude for yourself, your body, and your mind.

  2. Get active and try a group exercise class you haven’t experienced. As Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!” Drop into a session of HIIT, spin, pole dancing – whatever you like! And treat yourself afterward for a job well done.

  3. Write a love letter to yourself. Write out everything that you love about yourself. How proud of yourself you are. Things you’re excited to do in the future. Tell yourself everything that you would want someone else to say to you!

  4. Reserve a table for one at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. Is there a restaurant in town that you’ve been wanting to visit on a date? Take yourself there! Order whatever you want, get the expensive bottle of wine, and definitely don’t skip dessert. If eating alone makes you feel a little uneasy, bring a good book or invite a girlfriend!

  5. Volunteer with a local organization. Helping others will make the issue of being alone on Valentine’s Day seem negligible. While others are sitting in crowded restaurants or not having their expectations met by their partner, you’ll be making a real difference in the world.

  6. Host a Galantine’s Day party. Grab your closest girlfriends for an intimate night at home with wine and movies or throw a big dinner party with all the special ladies in your life. While significant others come and go, girlfriends are always there. I hosted a few of my single friends/moms this past weekend, we had a blast and even participated in the #BeyonceChallenge that’s trending on social media right now.

  7. Buy yourself flowers. I don’t believe in waiting around for someone to do something for me. If you’d like to get a big, beautiful bouquet of roses for Valentine’s Day, go get it, girl! Sometimes, I like to go to the floral section at the grocery store and create a bespoke bouquet. It’s fun, it’s inexpensive, and it makes me feel amazing. You deserve that!

  8. Pamper yourself at home. Want the BEST self-care day ever? Throw your bedding in the wash, apply a face mask, and take a long, luxurious bubble bath. After your bath, moisturize your body from head to toe. Put on a soft bathrobe and give yourself a manicure and pedicure. When your bedding is dry, make your bed and light a candle. Make some tea (or a cocktail!), climb into bed, and journal about your day for a few minutes. List some things you love about yourself. Put on your favorite music and relish in your “me” time.

Being single on Valentine’s Day isn’t a bad thing. Enjoy your season of singleness and do not get caught up with what others ‘seemingly’ have going on. Go out there and give yourself the Valentine’s Day of your dreams!

What Are your V-Day Plans? 

How are you spending Valentine’s Day this year? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let’s give each other some more fun and creative ways to love ourselves.


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