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Top 5 Career Mistakes You Must Avoid!
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Top 5 Career Mistakes You Must Avoid!

I’ve always been of the belief that there are three things you can do when you make a mistake: kick yourself, repeat it, or learn from it. I’ve been sashaying down my career path for many years now and I have made enough mistakes to go around! However, I swore to myself that I would always reflect and learn from my mistakes.

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Last Minute, FREE Mother’s Day Gifts!
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

Last Minute, FREE Mother’s Day Gifts!

If you’re like me, and you were caught off guard by Mother’s Day this year, don’t panic. I’ve come up with some really great last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas that you can put together quickly, and they don’t cost a thing. The say the best things in life are free, right?

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Why Are Men STILL Getting Hired More Than Women?
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Why Are Men STILL Getting Hired More Than Women?

It’s no secret that men and women are hired at disproportionate levels. Men are 40% more likely to be promoted to management than women are, and only 4.9% of Fortune 500 CEOs and 2% of S&P 500 CEOs are women, despite the fact that women score significantly higher than men in leadership skills.

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Thank You, Next! 3 Things I’m Leaving in 2020
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

Thank You, Next! 3 Things I’m Leaving in 2020

I know the start of a new year doesn’t mean that everything is going to magically change, but, boy, does it feel good to say goodbye to 2020! Although, for some people, the start of the new year is just another day on the calendar, I like to think of it as a fresh slate. January is the time of year that I look back on the previous year and what I learned so I can be even better this year! It’s a great mile marker on the journey of life.

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Delivery Subscriptions I Can’t Live Without
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

Delivery Subscriptions I Can’t Live Without

Do you ever wish you could duplicate yourself or hire an assistant? I sure do! Life sometimes gets to chaotic that we just can’t do it ALL on our own. That’s why I LOVE delivery subscription services! They knock a few things off of my to-do list and they come reliably right to my home every month – or whenever I need them…

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