Thank You, Next! 3 Things I’m Leaving in 2020

I know the start of a new year doesn’t mean that everything is going to magically change, but, boy, does it feel good to say goodbye to 2020! Although, for some people, the start of the new year is just another day on the calendar, I like to think of it as a fresh slate. January is the time of year that I look back on the previous year and what I learned so I can be even better this year! It’s a great mile marker on the journey of life.

Sure, 2020 had its moments of turmoil. But, even in those troubling times, I was able to see my priorities clearly – perhaps more clearly than ever before! I realized that I had some habits that weren’t really serving me or my higher purpose; and there were things that I thought were helping me, but they were actually getting in my way.

I took a good hard look at those things and said, “Thank you, next!” so I can become an even better version of myself this year. I’m going to rehash them one more time and then they’re going in the 2020 vault:

Limiting Beliefs

Last year, life threw so many limiting factors at us that it started to seep into my subconscious. I couldn’t travel, my daughter couldn’t go spend time with her grandparents, we couldn’t go on our annual Disney cruise – our favorite! One HUGE thing that I learned last year is that limitation is only as real as we make it out to be. I started thriving in my home office, and my daughter in her new learning environment. We even found new ways to celebrate our favorite holidays that might just turn into traditions!

When you look at a challenge as an opportunity to experience something new instead of something that’s holding you back, you can take your life places you never thought were possible!

Like Cady Heron said in Mean Girls, “The limit does not exist!”


It’s really hard to stop comparing yourself to others. When you see someone who appears to have more than you, or have things that you want, it’s understandable to feel the sting of jealousy start to creep up. 2020 presented itself with tons of challenges and it seems like some people just skated over them as if nothing was happening. How dare they!?

I’ve come to realize that comparison isn’t just unhealthy, it’s completely useless! Instead of focusing on others, what they have, and what I’m lacking, I could very easily turn that emotion into one that’s useful: motivation. And focus on what I can do to get what/where I want!

I’ve learned if you are competing with others – you become bitter. If you compete with yourself – you become better. In 2021, it’s me versus me.

Weak boundaries

Boundaries are little rules that you set for your life. They help give us a clear path through life which can get a little (or a lot) messy sometimes! Clear boundaries tell people “this is how I expect to be treated.” Looking back, I realized that I was most stressed out and unhappy when I was making exceptions to my own rules by letting people cross my boundaries.

When you put your boundaries on the back burner, you’re effectively doing the same to yourself. You’re telling yourself, and others, that their level of comfort is more important than yours.

This year, I’m not going to sit in that discomfort – I will be flexible when I have to be, but I will not bend my boundaries for the appeasement of others.

Last year sure was tough at times, but we all made it through! What are three things that you can say, “Thank you, next!” to? Let’s close the chapter on last year together and look forward to a new year, BETTER us.


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