How Job Seekers Can Use LinkedIn To Build and Leverage A Network in 2021

There are tons of social networking sites these days, but none are helping job seekers in 2021 like LinkedIn. Yes, LinkedIn – the professional networking site with 738 million members, over 300,000 remote job postings (in the U.S), and ever-increasing user activity. LinkedIn makes it easy for job seekers to build and strengthen their professional networks, which is truly the most important part of any job search. It’s all about who you know, as they say!

There’s no doubt that the world has been heading toward a digital future. Last year, when most of the world switched to remote work in light of a global pandemic, that future got a lot closer. Although we can’t say for certain exactly what a digital future looks like as it relates to the job force, it’s safe to assume that we’re going to be heavily relying on the internet to develop professional networks.

Your network is the best place to find job opportunities. LinkedIn is just the tool that will help bring you closer to the people you need to know in order to be presented with those opportunities. The thing is, if you hear about an open position after it’s been posted, it’s probably already too late. There’s likely a decision-maker behind the scenes that has already recommended someone to apply. The ultimate goal of building out your professional network is to become that person that decision-makers think of when they know of a job opening.

This is where LinkedIn comes into play.

A Quick Look at LinkedIn

LinkedIn was built specifically for professionals looking to connect with one another. It has come a long way since its inception in 2003 and there are currently tons of new features that help job seekers find opportunities on LinkedIn.

Here are some of the basic features that LinkedIn offers:

Home – This is where you will see what your network is posting. There will be job opportunities, articles, news, and more. You can curate your own experience based on the companies, topics, and people that you follow.

My Network – These are all of the people that you’re connected with on LinkedIn. You will be presented with suggested connections based on who is in your Network.

Jobs – LinkedIn has a job board that is tailored just for you, based on your Network, the keywords in your profile, your job history, skills, and location.

Messaging – You can communicate directly with people in your Network through LinkedIn’s messaging feature.

Your Profile – This is where all of your information will be displayed to others in your Network – your photo, job title, brief bio, job history, education, experience, etc.

LinkedIn updates their features every now and again to make using the platform more efficient and accessible to job seekers. Here is a list of their newest features:

#OpenToWork – This is both a searchable hashtag and a profile picture frame! You can put it in your profile and select the frame to let recruiters know that you are actively looking for a new position, even if you are currently employed. According to LinkedIn, profiles that use the #OpenToWork frame get 40% more inquiries from recruiters.

Free Courses – There are over 600 free courses available on LinkedIn Learning. They are centered around in-demand career opportunities and skill building. You can head to to view them.

Interview Prep – In the Jobs section, there are 26 common interview questions. You can practice them and have your answers evaluated by an AI tool!!

More Search Filters – There is now a Keyword search filter which can help job seekers narrow down their search and find specific connections that are relevant to what you’re looking for.

Swipe Up in Stories – This is just like the Swipe Up feature in Instagram Stories. For professional use, you might post a recent recognition or significant event and then link to the organization’s website. This helps recruiters get a better idea of how you spend your free time, as it relates to your career.

Video Conferencing – You can now connect Zoom, BlueJeans, and Microsoft Teams to the LinkedIn Messenger so you can easily have a face-to-face conversation with one of your connections.

Audible Name Pronunciation – LinkedIn job seekers now have the ability to record up to 10-seconds of audio by their name. This gives your network the correct pronunciation of your name and is an opportunity to give them a glimpse of your personality.

 The tools and features that LinkedIn provides make it easier for job seekers to build out their network, but you have to know how to use them the right way.

Connecting with Recruiters and Hiring Managers on LinkedIn

The first thing to know about connecting with recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn is to do it with intention. You should have a mutually beneficial relationship with each person in your network. Every time you go to connect with someone, ask yourself two questions:

“What can this connection do for me?”
“What can I offer to this connection?”

Long-time recruiter Caroline Ceniza-Levine gives the following advice:

“Let them know they popped up on your LinkedIn feed and since you run in the same circles, it makes sense to connect. Offer to help them on their searches – recruiters LOVE that.”

Once you have found a potential connection that you feel would benefit your network, it’s time to reach out.

  • Send a connection request with a personalized message. This little bit of extra effort can go a long way with recruiters and hiring managers. It shows that you want to be a valuable member of their network, not just another name on a list.

  • Don’t be afraid to show a little bit of your personality in your connection request! It will help you stand out to recruiters.

  • Send a thank you note after your request has been accepted. This message should be short, mention your interest in their company and how you can be valuable to them, and have your resume attached.

  • Engage with your connections regularly to develop a lasting relationship. Recruiters and hiring managers that you have strong relationships with are likely to reach out to you when they hear of a job opening that you are fit for.

Caroline also urges job seekers to “be prepared for the recruiter to accept your invitation and even to schedule an exploratory interview. Time your outreach for when you’re prepared to introduce yourself effectively.”

As you build out your network and develop professional relationships with people in your industry, you will be able to tap into the job posting that those companies, recruiters, and hiring managers post. LinkedIn makes it easy for job seekers to apply for these job postings directly through the platform!

Applying to Job Postings on LinkedIn

There are four places to find job postings on LinkedIn:

  1. On LinkedIn’s Job Board, which you can set preferences for your location, industry, and more.

  2. On your Home feed. Recruiters and hiring managers will often post job opportunities just for others in their network to see.

  3. In LinkedIn Groups. You can join groups based on your interests, education, industry, etc. You can find job postings that are relevant to the group you’re a part of here.

  4. On Company Pages. These postings will also show up on your Home Feed, but it’s still a good idea to check directly on a company’s page, just in case you missed the post on your feed.

There has to be an Easy Apply button in order for you to apply for a position directly on LinkedIn. Otherwise, you will be redirected to the company’s website or job board where you will go through the application process.

If you’d like to stick to applying for positions directly on LinkedIn, you can select the Easy Apply filter within the job search engine. From there, you simply have to fill out the required fields, review your information, and submit!

The content of your application will communicate your fitness for the position, but your LinkedIn network is going to be what gets you an interview, more often than not. Even if you have the most impressive resume, recruiters and hiring managers are likely going to be drawn to your application if they recognize your name. This is precisely why building your network on LinkedIn is so important for job seekers in 2021. The more familiar you become with your connections, the more likely they are to reach out to you when they have a job opportunity.

Final Thoughts

Now that it’s possible to build an entire career from your home office, it’s extremely important for job seekers to build and leverage an online professional network. LinkedIn is the perfect place to do that and the sooner you start actively utilizing their tools, the sooner you will find your next job opportunity.

Not sure what to send in an email to recruiters, hiring managers or former colleagues on LinkedIn? I have 7 done-for-you email scripts here that are completely FREE. How else can I aide in your job search in 2021? Drop me a message here or DM on Instagram @thelatoyabaldwin with all of your job search questions.


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