Last Minute, FREE Mother’s Day Gifts!

Can you believe that Mother’s Day is this weekend!? I can hardly believe that it’s even May already… This year is absolutely flying by for me and I’ll be honest, I’m having a little bit of trouble keeping up! I am totally unprepared for Mother’s Day, but I really want to show my mom and the other special mamas in my life how much I love them.

If you’re like me, and you were caught off guard by Mother’s Day this year, don’t panic. I’ve come up with some really great last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas that you can put together quickly, and they don’t cost a thing. They say the best things in life are free, right?

1.      A Personalized Coupon Book

You just can never go wrong with a good, old-fashioned coupon book! Make it by hand or use a website like Canva to create one with pretty graphics and nice fonts. Offer to provide breakfast in bed, a housekeeping service, pay for an hour-long massage at the spa of their choice, a girl’s day with whatever activities they want, chauffeured for the day, movie night, etc. Coupon books are great because you can make them really personal while still letting mama choose her own adventure. 

2.      A Heartfelt, Hand-Written Letter

When was the last time you received a hand-written letter? I think we should bring these back! Take a few moments to sit down and write out all of the reasons your mom (or a mom in your life) means the world to you. Gifts are wonderful, but there’s nothing like hearing how appreciated and loved you are, and that all of the hard work you do doesn’t go overlooked.

3.      A Picnic in the Park

Sometimes all a mom needs is quiet, quality time with their kid or fellow mama. Pack a thermos with some tea or coffee (or, heck, make it a cocktail!), toss a few snacks in a bag, and grab a blanket. Pick a beautiful day to meet in a quiet park and just enjoy a little bit of serenity together in nature. Mom is sure to appreciate the peacefulness, even if it’s just for an hour or two.

4.      Send a Video Message

This free Mother’s Day gift is especially great for those who live far away from their moms. Set up your phone or camera and tell mom all of the reasons that you’re thankful for her this year. If you have kids of your own, try to get them to join in and speak their piece, too! You know that will make grandma shed a tear or two.

Life is crazy, busy, and stressful. Our moms have done their absolute best for us and they understand that we’re out here doing the same thing. These free Mother’s Day gifts are quick and easy to pull together and will show mom that you appreciate her so much! (Even if the holiday totally snuck up on you. Shh, she doesn’t need to know!)


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