6 Signs Your Job Isn’t for You, and It’s Time to Move On 

We all want to be successful in our jobs and careers. But what do you do when you find yourself feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled, and just generally unsatisfied with your current job? It can be hard to determine when it is time to move on from a job or career that isn't quite right for you.

Have you been feeling ‘blah’ at work? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report, 19% of respondents reported being miserable at work. Throughout the report, data shows that many people are also stressed and disengaged at their job. 

Part of the reason for workplace misery is simply that the job isn’t right for you. A job is a job, right? Well, not necessarily. It’s important that you’re in a workplace where you are thriving that fills you with joy. Sometimes we may start a job that makes us happy, and overtime we outgrow it. 

So, if you’re finding it almost impossible to open your laptop let alone send an email, it may be time to look at the bigger picture. Here are some of the top signs that your job isn’t for you, and it’s time to move on. 

1. Your Values Don’t Align With the Company 

A survey showed that company culture is an important factor for 46% of job seekers. As it should be. If your values don’t align with the company, it may not be a good fit. When you don’t agree with what your company stands for, it’s hard to be engaged and stay motivated. 

2. You’re Not Passionate About What You Do 

Passion is a driving force that makes us good at what we do. If you’re not passionate, you won’t be producing good work. Take a second to think about how you feel about your job, if passion doesn’t come to mind, it may be time to find something new. 

3. You Are Afraid to Speak Up 

This is a big one. If you don’t agree with something or are being treated unfairly, you should never be afraid to speak up. If you find yourself unable to do so and share your opinion, your job probably isn’t a good fit for you. Remember, your workplace should never make you question your confidence or make you uncomfortable. 

4. You Don’t Get Along With Your Coworkers

Working with others will typically result in differences and occasional conflict. You don’t have to like everyone you work with, but it shouldn’t be hindering workflow and happiness on the job. The problem is when this becomes constant, and you are getting no respect. It’s never fun to work with people you dislike or don’t agree with, either. If you’ve found yourself not getting along with your coworkers, it may be time to start the job hunt. 

5. You Dread Going In 

Do you find yourself sitting in the car waiting until the absolute last second to enter the building? This sense of dread may mean it’s time to dust off the resume. Dreading work is going to make you unproductive, and probably not very fun to be around. Nobody wants to be around someone who doesn’t want to be there! 

6. You’re Always Complaining

Another thing you should be paying attention to is how much you complain about your job. People tend to complain when they feel powerless, and it’s time to do something about it. 

When you’re at happy hour, are your friends eye rolling at you when you mention work? If almost everything coming out of your mouth is a complaint about work, it’s definitely time to find something more fulfilling. 

Final Thoughts 

The bottom line is that if any of these signs resonate with how you're feeling about work at present, then maybe now is the time for change. Remember, no one deserves to stay in an unsatisfying position simply because they're afraid of making a change — don't let fear keep holding you back from pursuing bigger and better things! It doesn’t have mean starting from scratch necessarily; sometimes taking small steps like exploring other options within the same company or applying for new roles elsewhere can make all the difference towards finding happiness in both life and career. Women everywhere deserve fulfilling jobs that bring joy into their lives - so don’t give up until yours does too.

Check back for more tips on how to keep joy and success in your work life! Be sure to follow my Instagram @latoyabaldwin_, too!


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