To My Strong-Willed Daughter

Seven years ago, I welcomed you into the world. When I held you in my arms for the first time, my mind swirled with thoughts of who you would become. I was simultaneously so excited to watch this little girl grow up and wanting that moment to never, ever end. 

Of course, time moves faster than any mother wants it to, but that’s okay. Because watching my baby girl grow into the strong-willed person you have become has been my greatest joy.

One day, when I went to pick you up from preschool, and your teacher told me, “Taylor’s little personality is blossoming and she is so bossy!”

“She’s displaying early signs of leadership,” I responded. 

You were only 18-months old then! A year and a half in this world, and you were already showing off your incredible leadership skills.

From that point forward, I knew it would be my responsibility to cultivate and intentionally shepherd my fiery daughter.

I grew up in a world where “bossy” women were seen as cold or mean. I want you to grow up in a world that celebrates women who know where they’re going.

You are a force to be reckoned with.

I could sit and listen to your ridiculous debates with your Titi Libby for hours and hours (and sometimes I have!). I just love watching you process what other people say, form an opinion, and communicate your unique perspective. Sometimes, I almost can’t believe you’re only seven years old! 

I’m still unsure of how you successfully negotiated a $10 per tooth rate with the tooth fairy… I’ve always known her to be a real tough cookie! But that’s just the way you roll.

When I listen to you, it seems as though you’re speaking with the voices of our ancestors – you’re so wise and already have an incredible understanding of the world. You are courageous and kind – you welcome new people into your life with such ease and grace. It’s like you’ve never met a stranger before. I think a lot of adults should take a page out of your book, baby girl!

You are the future.
This year alone, you’ve been the Trailblazer of your class twice, in the Principal’s Club, and you received the Curiosity Award. Papa has you pegged for politics, but I’m not so sure… I do know, though, that you’ll be wildly successful in whatever you choose. You are on your way to building the most incredible life for yourself. I pray that you never lose your innate curiosity and that you never stop asking questions.

This world is full of things that don’t make sense – things that people accept at face value because “that’s the way things are.” You never have to accept anything that you feel is wrong. You never have to do something because “that’s the way it’s been done.” 

I probably shouldn’t tell you this too soon, but “well-behaved women rarely make history.” Go out there and shake things up. Use your courage, vision, and “bossiness” to change the world!

I hate to tell you that you will experience pushback that you don’t deserve. There are going to be tough times ahead, but that’s life. And mommy will always be right by your side to listen, encourage, and fight when I have to. 

I know that you are strong enough to win battles on your own, but just know that I am always there when you need backup. 

I pray that God continues to equip me with patience and understanding to lead you appropriately. I love you so much, Taylor Grace. Happy birthday!


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