How To Quit Your Job Gracefully

Quitting a job can be an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, you’re eager to start the next chapter of your career, but on the other, there’s guilt and anxiety around leaving people behind. It’s important to remember that preserving your relationships with colleagues is key to maintaining a positive reputation and expanding your professional network. So how do you quit your job gracefully while still setting yourself up for success? Let’s take a look.

Be Open and Honest With Your Employer

If your employer is not already aware of your plans to leave, be sure to have an honest discussion with them before you make any announcements. The two-week notice was established as a common courtesy for exactly this purpose. It’s important to respectfully explain why you are leaving and provide enough lead time so they can plan accordingly. You don’t have to go into too much detail here; focus on the positives like “I feel I am ready for my next challenge” or “I am looking forward to developing new skillsets in my next role.”

Inform Your Teammates

Your team should also be aware of your departure as soon it is made official. Have individual conversations with each teammate so that everyone is prepared when the news. During this conversation, express gratitude for their support throughout your time at the company and let them know how much you value their friendship/mentorship/collaboration (whatever applies). This will help ensure that you exit on good terms with your team members and maintain positive relationships moving forward.

Offer To Help With The Transition

Make sure you offer to help with the transition process by providing advice or offering to train someone who will fill your role after you leave. At this point, nothing says “goodbye gracefully” like going above and beyond in helping out during the transition period after you give notice! You could even consider staying in touch with former teammates once they move on as well—this shows that you care about where they end up after working together, which helps keep those bridges strong between both parties.   

Quitting a job doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience but it does require careful consideration—especially when it comes to preserving relationships within your internal network. By following these steps—being open and honest with your employer, informing teammates individually, and offering help during the transition period—you can quit gracefully while still setting yourself up for future success!

Remember, building and maintaining relationships are essential elements of professional success so don't forget those valuable contacts in the process of saying goodbye!

So how have you quit a job gracefully? Share your tactics in the comments below!


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