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Feedback is the Gift that Keeps on Giving – 5 Easy Steps to Get More Honest, Helpful Feedback
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Feedback is the Gift that Keeps on Giving – 5 Easy Steps to Get More Honest, Helpful Feedback

As working women, we all face the common struggle of trying to climb the career ladder and improve our performance at work, but without honest and helpful feedback, it can be difficult to assess and grow our skills and abilities. In the workplace, feedback is an essential tool for growth, development, and advancement. However, despite the importance of feedback, many people avoid it, feeling uncomfortable with the process. But, feedback is a gift that will propel you forward in the workplace. Here are five easy steps to get more honest, helpful feedback.

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Glow-on-the-Go: 10-Minute Makeup Routine for Busy Women
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

Glow-on-the-Go: 10-Minute Makeup Routine for Busy Women

Hey, busy lady! If you're anything like me, you barely have a moment to spare in the morning, let alone an hour to spend on your makeup. But that doesn't mean you can't still look like a glowing goddess. With my foolproof 10-minute makeup routine, you'll be able to achieve a flawless and natural look in no time. Plus, you'll be sure to receive compliments all day long. So grab your makeup bag, and let me show you how it's done.

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7 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in My Career
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

7 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in My Career

A career can be both exciting and overwhelming. As I reminisce about the early days in my career, I recall a few insights that would have propelled me to success faster if I had known them earlier. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way. However, this blog is dedicated to sharing career #cheatcodes to help others in their career advancement. Whether you're starting out or seeking career guidance, here are some of the things I wished I knew earlier in my career.

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Smart Casual: The New Dress Code for the Office?
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

Smart Casual: The New Dress Code for the Office?

In a world where business casual has reigned supreme for a while now, there’s one more trend creeping into corporate offices everywhere. It’s called ‘smart casual,’ and it’s changing the way we look at workwear attire. But what exactly is it? And how can you incorporate this trend into your wardrobe without sacrificing professionalism? Let’s take a closer look at what smart casual is, how to make it work in an office setting, and some wardrobe recommendations that will help you ace the trend.

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How to Say No at Work Without Losing Your Job
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

How to Say No at Work Without Losing Your Job

Saying "no" at work can be difficult, especially when you want to keep the peace and maintain a good relationship with your colleagues and superiors. We all want to be good employees and helpful colleagues, so when we are asked for something that we cannot or simply do not want to do, it can be hard to turn down the request.

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3 Simple Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day
Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

3 Simple Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day

Galentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the strong, powerful women in your life. Whether you’re single or coupled up, this is a special day to honor your girlfriends and show them how much they mean to you. Here are some great ideas for celebrating Galentine’s Day with your best friends.

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Overcoming Gender Bias with Confidence
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

Overcoming Gender Bias with Confidence

My seven-year-old daughter loves superheroes and soccer and will choose to play the game over playing with dolls any day. These days little Miss Personality has lots of interests but subscribing to others' preconceived ideas of who she should be is not one of them. She is incredibly wise beyond her years, which she recently demonstrated when she called out a gender stereotype. We were on vacation when a stranger called her “little princess.” She quickly replied, “I don’t like being called that. It’s not empowering for girls.” As a parent, it was an eye-opening and proud moment for me!

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How To Quit Your Job Gracefully
Career Latoya Baldwin Career Latoya Baldwin

How To Quit Your Job Gracefully

Quitting a job can be an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, you’re eager to start the next chapter of your career, but on the other, there’s guilt and anxiety around leaving people behind. It’s important to remember that preserving your relationships with colleagues is key to maintaining a positive reputation and expanding your professional network. So how do you quit your job gracefully while still setting yourself up for success? Let’s take a look.

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