An Open Letter to Single Moms

Dearest friend,

I am writing this letter to let you know that the hard work you’re doing for your family does not go unnoticed. I see you, I understand you, and I am here for you. Being a single mom can often feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. There is so much pressure to perform well at home, at work, and smile through it all as if you’ve been doing this your whole life!

I would like you to take a moment – right now – to thank yourself. Show yourself the appreciation that you deserve and may not receive very often. They say that motherhood is a thankless job – single mamas, I’m sure this sentiment resonates with you.

The truth is, your children are busy soaking in all of your love and lessons and as long as you see that reflected in them, they’re thanking you every single moment of their existence.

What I’m trying to say is that you’re doing great.


You are an unstoppable force. A force of love, compassion, power, strength, courage, and beauty. I don’t say this to put unnecessary pressure on you to be all of these things – I say this because I know that you already are, and I know that you’re doing the very best you can with what you have.

So, why are you putting all of this unnecessary pressure on yourself? You’ve got the tools, you’ve got the passion, and most importantly, you have YOU. And on days when you are feeling like you can’t be all of the YOU there is, know that it’s okay to ask for help.

The trusted people in your life want to see you win. They are probably anxiously awaiting the day you tag them into the game so they can show off their skills and bring your team to the championships! Everyone wants to be the star player, but the fact of the matter is victory is rarely achieved alone.

Something that I realized about single motherhood that I don’t think people talk about enough is that it takes a whole lot of bravery. I don’t know if I ever considered myself “brave” for the things that I do for myself and my daughter, because I never thought of another option. I was always doing what I had to do! But you know what? It’s hard! Being a mom – a single mom at that – reaching for my own success and preparing my daughter for hers has made me feel unstoppable.

I know that you are doing everything you possibly can to foster the same success for your family and I want you to know that it’s not going unnoticed. Your children feel your bravery every day that you show up for them – yes, even (especially) on the days when it feels like they can’t stand you.

In fact, that is just another attest to your bravery. Even the smallest battles that we fight with and for our children can leave you feeling broken-hearted some days. But look at you! You are still here, still fighting, still showing up every day for your babies, and kicking butt while doing it all.

I want to end this by telling you how amazing you are, but I think the most important thing is that YOU tell yourself that. Today and every single day.

With love,



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